Price Guide

Affordable veterinary services in Perth


  Standard Price Pet Health Club Pet Health Club Plus
Consultation £68.00 £68.00 Included
Prescription Review £68.00 £68.00 Included
Anal Gland with Nurse £20.00 Included Included
Nail Clip with Nurse £20.00 Included Included
Chronic Injection
(Consultation special)
£55.00 £55.00 Included
Health Pet Check with Nurse £23.00 Included Included
Microchip £40.00 Included Included

Please note consultation prices do not include the cost of any medications or treatments.


Dogs Standard Price Pet Health Club Pet Health Club Plus
Dog Primary Course £120.00 Included Included
Dog Booster £80.00 Included Included
Kennel Cough Vaccination £70.00 Inlcuded Included
Kennel Cough Vaccine with Primary/Booster Vaccine £40.00 Included Included
Rabies Vaccination £115.00 £103.50 £103.50


Cats Standard Price Pet Health Club Pet Health Club Plus
Cat Primary Course £120.00 Included Included
Cat Booster £80.00 Included Included


Rabbit Standard Price Pet Health Club Pet Health Club Plus
Rabbit Mxyo/RHD Plus £115.00 Included Included

Surgical Procedures & Ultrasound

  Standard Price Pet Health Club Pet Health Club Plus
Cat Castrate £90.00 £72.00 £63.00
Cat Spay £180.00 £144.00 £126.00
Dog Castrate £255.00 £204.00 £178.50
Dog Castrate over 25kg £315.00 £252.00 £220.00
Dog Castrate over 45kg £350.00 £280.00 £245.00
Bitch Spay £400.00 £320.00 £280.00
Bitch Spay over 25kg £455.00 £364.00 £318.50
Bitch Spay over 45kg £525.00 £420.00 £367.50
Rabbit Castrate £300.00 £240.00 £210.00
Rabbit Spay £300.00 £240.00 £210.00
Pregnancy Ultrasound £200.00 £200.00 £200.00
Dentistry Dog - Comprehensive Oral Assessment From £400.00 10% off 10% off
Dentistry Cat - Comprehensive Oral Assessment From £380.00 10% off 10% off


Dental estimates are specific to each pet and can be emailed to an owner on request. We would recommend a consultation with a vet prior to booking in your pet for a dental procedure.


Insurance Claims & Administration Fee

Please note there is an insurance administration fee for us to process insurance forms. This allows for the time taken for forms to be completed, checked & signed, for all the necessary paperwork to be sent and for any follow-up questions from your insurance company.

There is one charge of £24.26 per condition annually. There is no charge for processing insurance forms for our Pet Health Club Members.

What we need from you:

  • Full payment of your invoice(s) & insurance administration fee before your claim can processed.
  • We will give you an insurance claims details form to complete, sign & return to us or alternatively you can initiate the claim through your online insurance portal.

What we’ll do:

  • Complete the claim form and generate the associated invoice
  • Aim to send it promptly to your insurer – normally electronically via email or online portal
  • Attach the clinical history and invoices (you don't have to keep any receipts)
  • Provide any further information requested by the insurer during the processing of the claim e.g.: blood results, x-rays, answering any questions the insurance company may have about the claim etc.

Wellness Screening

  Standard Price Pet Health Club Pet Health Club Plus
Wellness Screening £85.00 £63.75 £55.25

The appointment will last around 25-30 minutes.

Pets age around seven times faster than humans and as they do, they become more susceptible to a variety of health conditions. Wellness Screening is recommended in healthy adult cats (over 7 years) and dogs (over 5 years or for giant breeds e.g. great dane, mastiff etc. over 3 years) to aid early detection of disease and help them to live happier and healthier lives. Wellness screening is suitable for healthy adult cats and dogs seen by a vet in the last 12 months – if your pet is showing any signs or symptoms of disease, or any abnormal behavior you should have a check up with a vet first.

Your pet will receive a detailed health check by one of our trained veterinary nurses included a physical exam, complete clinical history, urine testing, blood pressure measurement and blood test for all common organ function related diseases including: kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, high blood pressure & overactive thyroid (cats only)

 Top tips for your pets Wellness Screening appointment:

  • It is ideal if pets are fasted for 12 hours before their appointment (no food but allowed access to water).
  • Please bring a fresh urine sample along to your appointment in a clean dry container.
  • The person bringing your pet to the appointment should be familiar with their health status, habits and routines.

You will receive results withing 10 days. If all is well, you will receive a text or email from us. If there are any abnormal results, we will be in touch to arrange for a vet to discuss the next steps. This may include a recommendation for a change of diet, medication or further investigations.

Written Prescriptions

  Standard Price
Written Prescriptions £35.00


If your pet requires medication and you would prefer to order it online or pick it up from a pharmacy, our vets can produce a written prescription for you. Please note that if your pet takes more than one medication, you will need a written prescription for each medication at a cost of £35.00 per prescription. It is therefore worth checking prices online, bearing the prescription cost in mind to see if this will be beneficial for you.

Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe relevant veterinary medicinal products only after a clinical assessment of the pet has been done and they have assessed that the medication is clinically appropriate. The veterinary prescription will detail you and your pet's information, the medication needed; including strength, amount and dosage. A prescription may not be appropriate if your pet is an in-patient or immediate treatment is necessary.

The vet will determine the length of the prescription based on each individual pet's needs. The general policy of this practice is to re-assess pets requiring repeat prescriptions for supplies of relevant veterinary medicinal products at a prescription review every 3-6 months, but this may vary with individual circumstances.